Oscar 2024
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Friday, March 3

11:30 GMT+08

Cultural Competency: Theory into Action
Friday March 3, 2023 11:30 - 12:30 GMT+08
Cultural competency is a buzzword that has been floating around in education for a few years. But what does this look like in our classrooms? We share best practices for creating an anti-bias classroom and work through case studies that will help put theory into practice. These case studies present instances of microaggressions in the classroom and participants learn and practice different strategies and language to address them.
Friday March 3, 2023 11:30 - 12:30 GMT+08
  Professional Learning Session 2

11:30 GMT+08

Custom Feedback Test Session [do not edit]
Friday March 3, 2023 11:30 - 12:30 GMT+08
This presentation reports on “travel-reading” as an approach to teach Asian literature. Travel-reading was a humanities grant project and implemented in a summer study abroad program in Taiwan in 2022. Reading Interior Chinatown worked as a pedagogical mechanism that helped students stay thematically engaged with a text while abroad. Students strategically interpreted and evaluated what they heard and saw in the country in comparison with their reading and developed an evolving framework that enabled them to appreciate differences, examine their beliefs, challenge the stereotypes that they had held about East Asian people, and reflected on how the invisibility of certain minorities can affect our consciousness and distort reality in our society.
Friday March 3, 2023 11:30 - 12:30 GMT+08

11:30 GMT+08

Moving from Input to Interaction: IPA Framework for Learning Design
Friday March 3, 2023 11:30 - 12:30 GMT+08
An IPA (Integrated Performance Assessment) is an assessment sequence using the modes of communication–Interpretive, Interpersonal, & Presentational–but which can also provide a framework to design curriculum and instruction. We can repurpose the IPA as a framework for designing learning sequences and curricular units. We explore the IPA framework to deliberately move learners from meaningful input to authentic interaction, providing specific classroom examples drawing from our new (2022) ACTFL publication “Proficiency-Based Instruction: Input & Interaction in World Language Education.”
Friday March 3, 2023 11:30 - 12:30 GMT+08

11:30 GMT+08

Proficiency and SEL Start on Day 1
Friday March 3, 2023 11:30 - 12:30 GMT+08
What is the #1 thing learners say they want to get out of their world language classes? They want to speak the language! So, let's get them started in their proficiency journey on day one. Under the right conditions, this is possible! Proficiency and SEL walk hand in hand in creating language learners and users in real-world situations that can forge positive relationships, develop empathy for others and learn responsibility. This session will share some ideas and examples that are proficient-focused, SEL anchored, cognitively engaging, and performance-based driven.
Friday March 3, 2023 11:30 - 12:30 GMT+08

11:30 GMT+08

Published session
Friday March 3, 2023 11:30 - 12:30 GMT+08
The inevitable transition to online learning in institutions of higher education has increased the necessity to know and understand the learner from across the screen. The digital revolution has not only changed the physical, social, and cultural space, but it has also changed the learner himself, his behavior, and ways of thinking. Along with the challenges of combining classroom language teaching with distance learning, we must pay attention to the learner. We answer questions such as: Do language learners, born and living in today's digital world, experience less anxiety in this space? Has the global epidemic forced us to move to the online space without providing any other options? Would some pedagogical ways, such as the Socratic seminar, provide an answer? (edited)

Friday March 3, 2023 11:30 - 12:30 GMT+08
  Professional Learning Session 2

13:45 GMT+08

A venir: Child’s Play and Language Learning
Friday March 3, 2023 13:45 - 14:45 GMT+08
This session presents practical and readily adaptable instructional strategies to keep young learners interested and motivated. A thematic approach, incorporating stories, music and most importantly, play, captures students’ interest and whets the appetite for a range of language learning tasks, including repetition, listening comprehension and role play. The activities are repetitive and scaffolded and require no writing, making it suitable for young children, and students who learn differently. After modelling various themes and after discussing the instructional strategies, each participant develops a thematic language session individually. A speed date activity follows to sample the sessions and provide constructive feedback to each other.
Friday March 3, 2023 13:45 - 14:45 GMT+08

13:45 GMT+08

Building Proficiency with CI
Friday March 3, 2023 13:45 - 14:45 GMT+08
This presentation demonstrates how to teach Chinese with comprehensible input, an instructional technique in which teachers provide input that allows EL students to understand most, but not necessarily all of the language. The presenter teaches super seven verbs (the most frequently used verbs in all languages) in Chinese and make a story using super 7 verbs together with the participants, who learn the super seven verbs in Chinese in a highly contextualized space.
Friday March 3, 2023 13:45 - 14:45 GMT+08
Nassau East

13:45 GMT+08

Drones, Neighborhoods and New Perspectives
Friday March 3, 2023 13:45 - 14:45 GMT+08
Participants learn how utilizing aerial pictures taken by drones and flying drones can foster student exchanges in the target language and interact with a variety of activities to re-envision a neighborhood unit by integrating creativity with language, target culture authenticity and technology. The presenter showcases how she led her elementary students to create and describe their ideal LEGO neighborhood.
Friday March 3, 2023 13:45 - 14:45 GMT+08
Nassau West

13:45 GMT+08

Effective Language Acquisition Through Music
Friday March 3, 2023 13:45 - 14:45 GMT+08
Music is an invaluable tool in the World Language classroom. Music helps us develop cultural awareness in the target language while lowering the Affective Filter. But the songs we choose are often too complex, with advanced vocabulary and colloquialisms that novice and intermediate learners can't yet grasp. Learn how to effectively use music in your World Language class to provide repeated exposure to target structures, and sustain comprehensible interaction in the L2, all while developing cultural awareness. This session is hands-on, so teachers can take the tools and resources to easily integrate the activities and units right back into their classrooms. No prior experience or background is necessary but come prepared to sing and dance to fully embrace the music!
Friday March 3, 2023 13:45 - 14:45 GMT+08

13:45 GMT+08

Engagement Reclaimed!
Friday March 3, 2023 13:45 - 14:45 GMT+08
What does engagement look like in a world language classroom? How do teachers incorporate authentic materials while also making instruction student-centered? Let’s discuss innovative ways to reach students and engage them in using the target language! French and Spanish resources will be shared and participants will have the opportunity to reflect, collaborate and share their own ideas. Take away practical strategies that you can implement in your classroom right away!
Friday March 3, 2023 13:45 - 14:45 GMT+08

13:45 GMT+08

Equity in Language Standards: Lessons from a Statewide Framework Implementation
Friday March 3, 2023 13:45 - 14:45 GMT+08
Effective world language programs support and benefit all students, and it is critical to recognize student differences and ensure that each student receives the resources and supports they need. This session describes resources developed to support teachers’ use of the 2021 Massachusetts World Languages Curriculum Framework, including supports for ensuring equity by differentiating instruction, promoting social and emotional well-being and social justice, and centering student diversity. Presenters will share best practices for supporting proficiency through equitable and assets-based approaches to instruction, lessons learned from developing these resources, and implications for future resource development and implementation of language standards and frameworks.
Friday March 3, 2023 13:45 - 14:45 GMT+08
Sutton South

13:45 GMT+08

Grazie, ma solo pieno!: Avoiding Blunders in Intercultural Communication
Friday March 3, 2023 13:45 - 14:45 GMT+08
Why did my Italian friend look at me funny when I asked for an espresso with my dinner? Why does the host keep asking me if I want more pasta? How can I refuse dessert without offending the grandparent who baked it? It’s not only what you say, but how you say it. Learning a language doesn’t just mean becoming “fluent” in communication. It also means being proficient in using the language to navigate the cultural norms of various situations. This session explores classroom applications of the current NCSSFL-ACTFL Intercultural Communication benchmarks. We address how learners can use critical thinking skills to explore intercultural perspectives. The ultimate goal is for learners to accurately convey what they mean, all while staying within culturally appropriate norms.
Friday March 3, 2023 13:45 - 14:45 GMT+08

13:45 GMT+08

KnowYourCert: A database for aspiring language educators
Friday March 3, 2023 13:45 - 14:45 GMT+08
This presentation is a reporting out of my MEAD Fellowship project work during the past year. I have been researching and curating information on teacher certification requirements in all of the states represented by NECTFL with the goal of creating a platform that allows non-traditional teachers to better navigate the certification process. Additionally, I have created a visual report that highlights potential areas for education and advocacy at the state level.
Friday March 3, 2023 13:45 - 14:45 GMT+08
Sutton North

13:45 GMT+08

Making Art Come Alive with Google Arts and Culture!
Friday March 3, 2023 13:45 - 14:45 GMT+08
Do you want to learn how to make your arts unit come to life? Would you like for your students to experience works of art in an interactive and engaging way? Learn how to design these interactive activities using minimal technology, as well as how to make the experience comprehensible for all language learners. Come and experience how we can leverage the Google Arts and Culture app to make art come alive and promote proficiency all while having fun!
Friday March 3, 2023 13:45 - 14:45 GMT+08
  Professional Learning Session 3

13:45 GMT+08

Modeling Unit Design: UN Sustainable Development Goals & Intercultural Citizenship
Friday March 3, 2023 13:45 - 14:45 GMT+08
Participants examine model units, grounded in authentic United Nations SDGs in which students build intercultural citizenship by addressing environmental challenges. Models of learning progressions at both Novice and Intermediate levels show how students build intercultural communicative competence solving real world problems through action projects. These units serve as models to illustrate the learning activities that build toward the summative tasks. Teachers discuss learning opportunities that allow students to apply communicative competence in action projects addressing environmental problems while demonstrating intercultural citizenship skills.
Friday March 3, 2023 13:45 - 14:45 GMT+08
Sutton Center

13:45 GMT+08

Photo exchanges: Connecting language learners and advancing intercultural competence
Friday March 3, 2023 13:45 - 14:45 GMT+08
Photographs from the target culture can be a great way even for beginning language learners to advance their cultural awareness. Have you ever wanted to connect your learners with native speakers abroad? This session showcases a fun project to connect language learners for the purpose of exchanging and discussing their own photos. The presentation summarizes a telecollaborative exchange between learners of German in the US and learners of English in Germany that focuses on the exchange and discussion of photographs taken by students based on assigned topics. The app used for the photo exchange is presented and other possible tools for conducting photo exchanges will be presented and students’ feedback on the exchange will be summarized.
Friday March 3, 2023 13:45 - 14:45 GMT+08
  Professional Learning Session 3

13:45 GMT+08

Using Differentiation to Create a Personalized Experience
Friday March 3, 2023 13:45 - 14:45 GMT+08
The presenter shares strategies for differentiating content, process, and product using the research of Carol Ann Tomlinson and her team. Through learning how to differentiate, teachers are able to create proficiency-oriented tasks and assessments to meet the readiness levels of all learners. The presenter explains how to create differentiated tasks and assessments and will model differentiated teaching techniques throughout the presentation. The presenter shares examples of activities, assessments, rubrics and templates for teachers to create differentiated activities during the session.
Friday March 3, 2023 13:45 - 14:45 GMT+08

15:00 GMT+08

Staying in the Target Language: Ask Me Anything
Friday March 3, 2023 15:00 - 15:30 GMT+08
This is our new feature = a Standing Room Only personal chat, without technology, gathering and standing in the back of the vendor exhibition hall.
Friday March 3, 2023 15:00 - 15:30 GMT+08
Rhinelander Exhibition Hall

15:00 GMT+08

A Peer Editing Collaboration between DE and College Programs
Friday March 3, 2023 15:00 - 16:00 GMT+08
Taking advantage of the best practices in peer review training and guided editing processes in ESL writing courses, a DE instructor and college faculty use the same training materials to help their students to become more effective in their Chinese peer editing. The collaborative process helps students become more effective thinkers and writers. First, we train the students to be specific by identifying the location of strengths/weaknesses as well as the concrete issues using the correction keys provided. Second, we want students to make sure that their feedback is helpful by suggesting concrete ways to improve the composition. Third, we show them how to be polite by using set polite phrases and expressions using the "cheat sheet" created by the two presenters through collaboration.
Friday March 3, 2023 15:00 - 16:00 GMT+08
Nassau East

15:00 GMT+08

Breathing Through Both Nostrils: Teaching Yiddish in the German Classroom
Friday March 3, 2023 15:00 - 16:00 GMT+08
In an effort to bring Yiddish and German closer, graduate students at Columbia University organized two workshops to foster collaboration between the languages and to conduct a sample lesson. This session highlights the first programmatic steps taken to 1) overcome the isolation of Yiddish within the Germanic department; 2) explore how Yiddish could be integrated into the Germanic language classroom, and vice versa; 3) create resources and strategies for co-teaching of languages that hold close cultural and linguistic ties; 4) evaluate future implications of this interlinguistic collaboration and reimagine the future language classroom. The steps provide the springboard for discussion and generating further ideas. Participants receive materials to adapt for their own use.
Friday March 3, 2023 15:00 - 16:00 GMT+08

15:00 GMT+08

Connecting SEL Competencies with World Language Standards
Friday March 3, 2023 15:00 - 16:00 GMT+08
In today's classroom, we are faced with a number of obstacles, from overcrowding to reaching diverse, reluctant learners. One thing the COVID pandemic has brought to the forefront in a more obvious way is the recognition of the impact of trauma and how it affects the way we learn. Teachers are accustomed to serving as coaches and counselors in addition to facilitators of learning, but how do we marry those aspects together? How do we address students' emotional needs while also teaching the curriculum? In this session, participants learn how a group of educators from Delaware worked together to align the World Language standards to the competencies of Social Emotional Learning.
Friday March 3, 2023 15:00 - 16:00 GMT+08
Nassau West

15:00 GMT+08

Empathy, Action Civics, and Cross-Cultural Understanding for Social Justice in the World Language Classroom
Friday March 3, 2023 15:00 - 16:00 GMT+08
Technology makes it easier than ever to connect students to the world. But how can we better harness these connections to empower learners to think and act beyond their classroom walls? Learn how to use resources from organizations such as Happy World Foundation, Inc. for standards-based interdisciplinary learning experiences that connect, engage and empower students as valued global citizens. Additionally, examine practical tools, resources, and activities to develop lesson plans aligned with the World Readiness Standards for Learning Languages and NCSSFL-ACTFL Can-Do Statements that tie in with the global in-classroom learning experiences, and how to foster these competencies in traditional, hybrid, and/or online teaching environments
Friday March 3, 2023 15:00 - 16:00 GMT+08
Sutton North

15:00 GMT+08

Enhancing Target Language Proficiency With Level-Up Words and Phrases
Friday March 3, 2023 15:00 - 16:00 GMT+08
How do we take students' language beyond the basic content vocabulary of nouns, verbs, and adjectives? “Level-up” words and phrases are pieces of the target language that are not inherently tied to any content like school, hobbies, or the environment, but rather enhance students’ language abilities and broaden their linguistic repertoire. High frequency phrases like it seems like, this is why, and as a result are a few English examples. Learn why we should include this language in our classes, discover how to incorporate them into everyday lessons, and see examples of how to use Extempore to facilitate exposure and meaningful practice of this language.
Friday March 3, 2023 15:00 - 16:00 GMT+08

15:00 GMT+08

Feedforward: What Teachers and Learners Can Learn from Assessments
Friday March 3, 2023 15:00 - 16:00 GMT+08
Has your teacher heart ever sunk at the sight of a discarded assessment that’s covered in valuable feedback? This session explores how teachers and learners can get more out assessments - after they’ve happened! First, learn to revise your teaching plan when an assessment fails in order to discover what students know or can do. Next, examine how to differentiate instruction post-assessment based on students’ performances. Finally, incorporate opportunities for “feedforward” which prompt student reflection and targeted action.
Friday March 3, 2023 15:00 - 16:00 GMT+08
Sutton Center

15:00 GMT+08

Hooray for the heroes!
Friday March 3, 2023 15:00 - 16:00 GMT+08
Explore the world of heroes and legends in the French speaking world through interdisciplinary units which provide a path for learners to investigate and interact with cultural competence in the target language. Lessons on the scientific heroes Marie Curie and Jacques Cousteau, historical figure Olympes de Gouges, and feminist writer George Sand are shared with participants. The lessons provide examples of opportunities to use authentic materials in our classrooms, and to develop critical thinking skills while investigating the people who shaped the world of today. Participants have time to discuss application of this concept for their own unique language learners.
Friday March 3, 2023 15:00 - 16:00 GMT+08

15:00 GMT+08

Learning Does Not Stop at the Bell
Friday March 3, 2023 15:00 - 16:00 GMT+08
Friday March 3, 2023 15:00 - 16:00 GMT+08
  Professional Learning Session 4

15:00 GMT+08

OMG, it's in black and white
Friday March 3, 2023 15:00 - 16:00 GMT+08
I present ideas on how to teach Guernica (the bombing and the painting) in very interactive classes to intermediate and advanced students of Spanish. Participants will leave with materials and ideas on teaching the topic. The war in Ukraine and many others in our world today make this presentation current. The deep study of art and history makes this unit timeless. No background knowledge is necessary to follow this presentation.
Friday March 3, 2023 15:00 - 16:00 GMT+08

15:00 GMT+08

Street Art Stories: Teaching Culture & Social Discourse through Art
Friday March 3, 2023 15:00 - 16:00 GMT+08
Technology allows exploration of the artistic and social landscape of L2 cities. Design a project-based module on street art and public art using Google Earth, Instagram, and online resources to explore French and Francophone history, identity, and public discourse around racial diversity, social issues, and ownership of public space. Students leverage online access to public spaces and existing social media skills to create and respond to multimodal virtual tours of specific cities while building linguistic, intercultural, and visual literacy skills. This approach supports exploration of social justice and cultural values at all proficiency levels. Attendees develop materials for their students in hands-on activities. Some knowledge of Instagram is helpful but not required.
Friday March 3, 2023 15:00 - 16:00 GMT+08
Sutton South
  Professional Learning Session 4

15:00 GMT+08

Teaching Arabic to Generation Alpha in a Hybrid Format
Friday March 3, 2023 15:00 - 16:00 GMT+08
This presentation showcases the challenges and successes of the Generation Alpha Arabic language learners. Participants learn how to effectively teach the Arabic language and cultures to Generation Alpha in a hybrid format—using various technology tools to promote cultural competence and facilitate communication. The presenter demonstrates the concept, the procedure, and the result of the Alpha Arabic language learners in the hybrid format.
Friday March 3, 2023 15:00 - 16:00 GMT+08

15:00 GMT+08

Yes, You can Create a Total Immersion Classroom
Friday March 3, 2023 15:00 - 16:00 GMT+08
It is possible to have an English-free, target language only environment. I introduce some of the techniques, strategies, and methodology of the Accelerative Integrated Methodology (AIM) that, when combined holistically, create an immersion-like classroom. You have the opportunity to learn and practice some AIM gestures paired with high-frequency words that will quickly move your students to spontaneously communicating their own thoughts in the target language. Student comprehension and oral output will soar once they are freed from memorizing and being passive listeners.
Friday March 3, 2023 15:00 - 16:00 GMT+08

16:30 GMT+08

Career Pathways for Heritage Learners: Student Perspectives and Effective Resources
Friday March 3, 2023 16:30 - 17:30 GMT+08
We share the results of focus group research with heritage learners of Arabic, Chinese, Korean, Persian, and Russian about their knowledge of and interest in federal careers that use their language skills. Learn about high school and university students’ perspectives on the resources they use, questions they have, and obstacles they see in researching and pursuing possible careers. Presenters describe how these insights informed development of free web-based resources to help language learners connect their strengths and interests to career pathways, as well as how educators can support students to make these connections.
Friday March 3, 2023 16:30 - 17:30 GMT+08
Sutton South

16:30 GMT+08

Creating WL Certificates to Increase Community College Enrollment & Success
Friday March 3, 2023 16:30 - 17:30 GMT+08
Feeling stressed by dropping enrollments in your programs? Enrollment in World Language courses at community colleges have been dropping over the last 12 years. This presentation describes the importance of the WL certificate as a valuable option for students to document their language and culture skills, and the process of creating such a program. By offering a certificate program, with the option of credentialing through the Global Seal of Biliteracy, more students can be reached in other disciplines as well as attracting students from local businesses who might want to increase their job skills. Participants find out how two different community colleges have created WL certificate programs to boost enrollment and provide students with skills for transfer and workforce.
Friday March 3, 2023 16:30 - 17:30 GMT+08

16:30 GMT+08

Ignite your German program with a SPARK Lab
Friday March 3, 2023 16:30 - 17:30 GMT+08
Looking to strengthen your German program, to add depth and attract eager learners? Join us to learn about SPARK for German. We found success in our first year and are excited to share the building blocks that lead to success. We provide step-by-step action plans and share our actual experiences initiating this program to inspire participants to start their own SPARK lab. The SPARK program offers organic opportunities that support inclusion among student facilitators and student participants.
Friday March 3, 2023 16:30 - 17:30 GMT+08

16:30 GMT+08

Inclusive Learning and Language: Lessons from the Air Force Academy
Friday March 3, 2023 16:30 - 17:30 GMT+08
To aid their future careers as military officers, the United States Air Force Academy teaches its cadets a brand-new course, “French for Professional Purposes”, through the new pedagogical practice of “Inclusive Learning”. Participants hear how the instructor and her cadet co-presenter built a curriculum to meet the needs of a student body diverse in background, learning styles, age, and gender, with material curated through cadet research. Participants engage in inclusive activities and content representative of the course’s novel approaches to assignments and assessments, and leave with new techniques to make their courses even more inclusive for students.
Friday March 3, 2023 16:30 - 17:30 GMT+08
Nassau West

16:30 GMT+08

Let's get out there. Engaging our students in their communities
Friday March 3, 2023 16:30 - 17:30 GMT+08
Many students choose to study a language, because they want to use it for their enjoyment and advancement in their communities. In this session we explore using Communities standard to engage students, present them with real world opportunities to use their newly acquired language in their schools and communities. During the height of the pandemic, many people disengaged from the community. We re-examine how local communities can be a language learning resource and how learners can use their language skills in their communities.
Friday March 3, 2023 16:30 - 17:30 GMT+08
Sutton Center

16:30 GMT+08

Majors, Minors, and Language across the Curriculum
Friday March 3, 2023 16:30 - 17:30 GMT+08
Gifted students frequently abandon language study in favor of what they consider more useful subjects. We examine how these other subjects can become part of the language program. Students may be able to integrate the language they know in various ways in courses such as history, art, political science, or business. This promotes greater collaboration among teachers and better connections for students. The presenter gives examples and show how Language across the curriculum can become part of a language program. Participants are invited to share ideas.
Friday March 3, 2023 16:30 - 17:30 GMT+08

16:30 GMT+08

Number Talks in a Dual Language Immersion Setting
Friday March 3, 2023 16:30 - 17:30 GMT+08
Teachers know that every minute counts in the classroom, so multipurpose instructional routines can be instrumental in maximizing student learning. Number talks are a low-investment, high-reward practice that offer students and teachers a daily opportunity to build both computational and target language fluency while increasing student confidence in their mathematical skills and creating a classroom community in which everyone feels comfortable sharing their ideas. In this session, learn the basics of how and why number talks are effective, hear and see examples from a first-grade Spanish dual language immersion classroom, and leave with everything you need to adapt and implement this tool with your own students!
Friday March 3, 2023 16:30 - 17:30 GMT+08

16:30 GMT+08

Painting the Walls with arte urbano
Friday March 3, 2023 16:30 - 17:30 GMT+08
"Arte urbano" or "arte callejero" is a colorful, eye catching - at times controversial - art form that provides a unique context for students to connect with both the Spanish language and the communities where it is spoken in the United States and around the world. Students respond well to this versatile authentic resource that can be integrated into units on everything from identity, food, family, clothing and health, to historical events and figures, and even the issues that challenge numerous communities such as climate change, immigration, gun violence, and human rights. It's versatility makes it appropriate for all 3 modes ( interpretive, interpersonal and presentational). Materials are shared and participants use Spanish to connect with the art and each other.
Friday March 3, 2023 16:30 - 17:30 GMT+08

16:30 GMT+08

Speak Up - Oral communication through Play
Friday March 3, 2023 16:30 - 17:30 GMT+08
Interacting in a language class can be intimidating for the best of us. However, engaging in oral interactions is paramount to becoming proficient in a language, to believing in one's own abilities and engaging in the learning process.
Friday March 3, 2023 16:30 - 17:30 GMT+08

16:30 GMT+08

The Power of Positivity! A FLES Unit on Growth Mindset
Friday March 3, 2023 16:30 - 17:30 GMT+08
Sergio is a 3rd grade student at {Insert your school name}. Sergio has many strengths, but has a hard time seeing them. He often says negative things to himself, especially in school. Come see how your students will come to the rescue and help Sergio go from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset, all the while internalizing these messages and strategies for themselves. Thanks to the Power of Positivity, Sergio takes these lessons and applies them, seeing how his outlook can change every aspect of his day!
Friday March 3, 2023 16:30 - 17:30 GMT+08
Sutton North
  Professional Learning Session 5

16:30 GMT+08

The Role of Translation and Translanguaging in Literacy Development
Friday March 3, 2023 16:30 - 17:30 GMT+08
The emergence of multiliteracies as a key component of Foreign Language Education has led to a re-evaluation of translation as a pedagogical tool. With their focus on multiliteracy, translation activities provide access to authentic texts, and help students develop intercultural competence, as they engage with cultural narratives, in various modalities (films, graffiti, commercials…). The aim of this panel is to reflect on the potential of textual/audiovisual translation and translanguaging in the L2 classroom. It will showcase examples of student performance (in Greek and French), and reflect on the significance of translation as an instrument of mediation between cultures and as a tool for inquiry into the ways language constructs, and is constructed by, identity, culture and gender.
Friday March 3, 2023 16:30 - 17:30 GMT+08

16:30 GMT+08

“Classroom expanded”: building a virtual community to extend language learning
Friday March 3, 2023 16:30 - 17:30 GMT+08
How can social media platforms like Instagram be used to expand the scope of “classroom” and build a virtual learning community? The presenters introduce a year-long community-building project conducted at an elementary Chinese course in college. We focus on how it successfully fosters a deeper connection among members of the Chinese course (teachers, tutors, students, and beyond), enhances meaningful interaction in their life, and helps learners get immersed in the target language and culture – all in a cohesive community. The participants learn how the project was seamlessly integrated into various parts of the course, and jointly reflect on potential ways to adapt the project into their own instructional contexts especially in the post-pandemic era.
Friday March 3, 2023 16:30 - 17:30 GMT+08
Nassau East
Saturday, March 4

08:45 GMT+08

A Study of Stakeholder Perceptions of a "Language Learning Assistant Program"
Saturday March 4, 2023 08:45 - 09:45 GMT+08
Focus of this research presentation is a peer-mentoring model in which advanced-level language students serve as “Learning Assistants” (LAs) in beginning-level language courses. Language LAs provide assistance in first-year language courses by modeling tasks, facilitating collaborative learning, and inspiring students to continue language study. Following a brief summary of relevant “curricular peer-mentoring” scholarship, the presenter analyzes the results of an empirical study examining participants’ perceptions of a pilot “Language LA” program. Session participants gain knowledge of peer-mentoring research, consider implications of the study, and get advice and resources for starting a Language LA program.
Saturday March 4, 2023 08:45 - 09:45 GMT+08
Sutton Center

08:45 GMT+08

Active Explicit Vocabulary Recall in the Intensive Intermediate Language Classroom
Saturday March 4, 2023 08:45 - 09:45 GMT+08
Our presentation examines the correlation between student performance on formal written exams and active, explicit vocabulary recall activities performed at the beginning of class in the Intensive Intermediate Spanish classroom. Our study derived from a need to address the overall lack of foundational vocabulary for students who take a placement exam and begin their postsecondary language study at the Intermediate level. In the Intermediate Spanish course at our institution, vocabulary, historically, is not taught explicitly. Beginning Fall 2022, we propose the use of physically engaging ("active") recall activities to improve student vocabulary knowledge. We measure their performance on the vocabulary portion of exams between Fall 2021 and 2022 to demonstrate positive correlation.
Saturday March 4, 2023 08:45 - 09:45 GMT+08
Sutton Center

08:45 GMT+08

CANVAS in the WL Classroom: Effiency and Best Practices
Saturday March 4, 2023 08:45 - 09:45 GMT+08
In the last few years, CANVAS has become increasingly important for many of our classes. Many of us are required to use it, but have we been using it effectively? We explore ways to combine best practices for language instruction with existing CANVAS tools to deliver instruction and assessment in the most pedagogically sound way possible and explore ways to promote and assess all modes of communication within the canvas platform. We look at different strategies for formative and summative assessment using the CANVAS tools that allow us to go beyond discrete point grammar and vocabulary activities
Saturday March 4, 2023 08:45 - 09:45 GMT+08

08:45 GMT+08

Culture Cubed: Choose, Connect, Create
Saturday March 4, 2023 08:45 - 09:45 GMT+08
This session focuses on the development of multimodal skills through culturally relevant, thematically appropriate authentic resources. Participants will learn to use carefully crafted templates, adaptable for all languages, to create choice boards that explore the products, practices and perspectives of the target culture through all three modes of communication. Choice Boards are engaging, hands-on, student-centered lessons that appeal to all learning styles. Guide students to discover, understand, and connect with the target cultures and empower them to show their transfer of knowledge through self-selected activities that appeal to their strengths or interests
Saturday March 4, 2023 08:45 - 09:45 GMT+08
Nassau West

08:45 GMT+08

Going to the Movies: Developing Proficiency-Oriented Units Using Film
Saturday March 4, 2023 08:45 - 09:45 GMT+08
This session highlights the development and sequencing of a proficiency-oriented unit that uses a feature film in the target language as its base. Participants discover how to gather supporting authentic resources, utilize engaging discussion techniques, underscore targeted grammatical structures and develop appropriate assessments that support the themes of the film aligned with proficiency goals. By using high-frequency vocabulary and high-interest topics these engaging units of film study provide optimal comprehensible input and boost language acquisition.
Saturday March 4, 2023 08:45 - 09:45 GMT+08

08:45 GMT+08

Heritage Speakers as Teachers of Spanish: Experiences and Challenges
Saturday March 4, 2023 08:45 - 09:45 GMT+08
Research that addresses the needs of heritage speakers of Spanish as in-service teachers is required as they incorporate into the teaching profession as world language teachers of their own heritage language. This research used a qualitative multiple case study design to explore the experiences as teachers of eight Latina heritage speakers. The methods of data collection included interviews, classroom observations, and a focus group. The study sought to answer these research questions: What motivates heritage speakers to stay in the profession? What challenges do they experience as teachers of Spanish? What are their professional development needs? How do their perceptions and attitudes about their use of Spanish evolve from pre to in-service teachers?
Saturday March 4, 2023 08:45 - 09:45 GMT+08
Sutton Center

08:45 GMT+08

Hier ist Platz für dich: LGBTQIA+-Affirming German Classrooms
Saturday March 4, 2023 08:45 - 09:45 GMT+08
Participants learn and apply best practices for establishing an LGBTQIA+-affirming German classroom environment. First, participants receive a foundation in orientation, gender identity, and expression, as well as a crosswalk between the ACTFL World Readiness and Learning for Justice Social Justice standards. Next, suggestions for using inclusive/affirming language and representative authentic resources, such as web shows and children's books, are shared. Following these examples, in small groups, participants workshop common lesson themes to be more inclusive. Finally, participants discuss challenges they still face in being inclusive. While examples are from the middle school German classroom, other languages and levels are welcome.
Saturday March 4, 2023 08:45 - 09:45 GMT+08
  Professional Learning Session 6

08:45 GMT+08

Improving Literacy Skills in a Chinese Immersion Setting
Saturday March 4, 2023 08:45 - 09:45 GMT+08
The presentation focuses on approaches to balanced literacy in a Chinese immersion setting to help students achieve high proficiency levels of ACTFL standards and meet the grade-appropriate Common Core Language Arts standards. Presenters use Grade 3-7 classroom examples to demonstrate the setup of the literature circles and the roles and jobs and walk through a narrative writing unit. Students are introduced to different writing strategies and apply them effectively to pick the right “tiny topic”, brainstorm, plan, and draft to help students tell their life stories in Chinese.
Saturday March 4, 2023 08:45 - 09:45 GMT+08
Nassau East

08:45 GMT+08

International Teacher Professional Development in a Changing World: Multimodal Engagement
Saturday March 4, 2023 08:45 - 09:45 GMT+08
This session will be interactive, incorporating presentation and dialogic discussion based on findings from an online international English Language teacher program in UZ. This study highlights how teacher engagement was achieved through the application of multimodal approaches for WL educators allowing them to contextualize their learning; data allowed researchers to understand the development of teachers’ authentic applications of instructional methods in global contexts. Attendees will be invited to participate in discussion about teachers’ engagement in bichronous PD. Attendees will have a greater understanding of how effective online WL teacher PD can be implemented domestically and internationally in changing world environments.
Saturday March 4, 2023 08:45 - 09:45 GMT+08
Sutton Center

08:45 GMT+08

Language Beyond the Classroom: Teacher of the Year Panel Discussion
Saturday March 4, 2023 08:45 - 09:45 GMT+08
Do you struggle with ideas for how to empower your students to use the language beyond the walls of your classroom? Come and learn from the 2022 NECTFL Teachers of the Year state finalists! From empowering your students to teach younger students in your school community, to showcasing student work around town, Teachers of the Year from the northeast region share some of the strategies they implement to practice the Communities standard and advocate for their language programs in their broader communities. Examples are in Spanish, French, Latin, and Chinese across all age groups.
Saturday March 4, 2023 08:45 - 09:45 GMT+08
Sutton South

08:45 GMT+08

Language Connects Foundation: A Bold Vision to Elevate the Language Education Profession
Saturday March 4, 2023 08:45 - 09:45 GMT+08
Language Connects Foundation (LCF) was born out of a clear and urgent need to address some of the existential challenges facing the language education community today. With the goal of contributing to the development of a well-trained, diverse, and highly effective language educator workforce, LCF seeks funds from individual, corporate, and foundation sources to support language research, awards and scholarships, professional development for educators, and public information/education about the importance of language learning. In this session, learn about how this new, innovative initiative seeks to support language educators today and into the future.
Saturday March 4, 2023 08:45 - 09:45 GMT+08
Sutton North

08:45 GMT+08

Learning from the Past, Projecting to the Future: Scaffolding ELLs
Saturday March 4, 2023 08:45 - 09:45 GMT+08
This interactive research roundtable will focus on 'Learning from the Past and Projecting to the Future of English Language Learners." Issues specific to ELLs during the pandemic will be discussed. New ways of envisioning and scaffolding our ELLs will about be considered. The foundation of this roundtable discussion is rooted in my previously published researches. However, the discussion will be focused on my new but continuous, non published research. The research discussed at the conference will be published after the conference.
Saturday March 4, 2023 08:45 - 09:45 GMT+08
Sutton Center

08:45 GMT+08

Learning Social Dialects by Accessing Diverse Perspectives through Media
Saturday March 4, 2023 08:45 - 09:45 GMT+08
This presentation aims to find out how and to what extent it would be desirable to educate advanced learners about the Korean regional and social dialects. The research has focused on the necessity of regional language and culture and social dialects for immigrants and international students. And, it is meaningful in that it considered how far and best for advanced Korean learners to learn the various dialects and discussed the direction in which Korean language and culture education for the dialects should go. Therefore, in this presentation, presenters will investigate how advanced learners perceive the dialects of the Korean language and culture curricula by implementing multimedia and technologies and how they think about the practical needs in order to enhance their multiliteracies.
Saturday March 4, 2023 08:45 - 09:45 GMT+08
Sutton Center

08:45 GMT+08

Loving the IPA: Way Beyond Assessment
Saturday March 4, 2023 08:45 - 09:45 GMT+08
Saturday March 4, 2023 08:45 - 09:45 GMT+08

08:45 GMT+08

Online Language Teaching Strategies
Saturday March 4, 2023 08:45 - 09:45 GMT+08
Students approach to learning languages has evolved significantly from a face-to-face setting to fully synchronous/asynchronous online or hybrid platforms. My research centers on the development of Spanish asynchronous language courses and the advantages and obstacles faced by students and instructors as they learn how to navigate learning and teaching respectively, on an online setting. The presenter will share and discuss effective and ineffective strategies from her own classroom experience.
Saturday March 4, 2023 08:45 - 09:45 GMT+08
Sutton Center

08:45 GMT+08

Overcoming Barriers to K-16 Program Articulation
Saturday March 4, 2023 08:45 - 09:45 GMT+08
To develop high levels of language proficiency, students must be able to move from secondary to post-secondary language programs and continue building their language skills. Effective K-16 articulation is facilitated by state-level policies, incentives including the Seal of Biliteracy, and the policies and practices of institutions and language programs.
Saturday March 4, 2023 08:45 - 09:45 GMT+08
Sutton Center

08:45 GMT+08

Stop Drowning in Papers: Practical Strategies for Engaging Learning
Saturday March 4, 2023 08:45 - 09:45 GMT+08
How do we get students to engage with content so that meaningful learning happens? How can educators gradually release responsibility for learning over to students, so that students do more of the work? Join this ACTFL Teacher of the Year and experience hands-on learning of activities that engage students in communication, collaboration, critical thinking, and problem solving. Most activities are low or no-prep and can be reused at various levels and with varied content. They hit multiple modes of communication, use authentic resources, support social justice themes, and require students to speak interpersonally. The learning routines require students show what they are thinking and learning decreasing grading. Step away from the copy machine and say good-bye to your turn in work bin!
Saturday March 4, 2023 08:45 - 09:45 GMT+08

08:45 GMT+08

Teacher Perceptions of Inclusion in Online Instructional Practices
Saturday March 4, 2023 08:45 - 09:45 GMT+08
The purpose of this study is to explore world language teacher perceptions of inclusion in online instructional practices. Data were collected from semi-structured interviews conducted with six world language teachers in one large public school district during the 2020-2021 academic year. Four of six teachers described practices that incorporate racial and ethnic diversity in curricula, and five teachers expressed uncertainty about how to integrate diverse gender and sexual identities in their practices. Teachers found the support of world language colleagues instrumental in adapting their practices to be delivered online. Findings hold practical implications for teachers and teacher educators who aim to develop inclusive instructional practices in online settings.
Saturday March 4, 2023 08:45 - 09:45 GMT+08
Sutton Center

08:45 GMT+08

Teaching about the Holocaust through Literature
Saturday March 4, 2023 08:45 - 09:45 GMT+08
This session examines how to teach the Holocaust through French Literature in Translation with a study abroad component as well as interviews with Holocaust survivors. The session examines the curriculum and how to integrate various disciplines in order to further delve in the content. Furthermore, the session examines how students performed on a pre-test and post-test of the content and how the impact of integrating the curriculum allowed for further development of knowledge.
Saturday March 4, 2023 08:45 - 09:45 GMT+08

08:45 GMT+08

The Ideal Lesson Plan: 10 Steps to Total Fluency
Saturday March 4, 2023 08:45 - 09:45 GMT+08
John Conner, Spanish teacher and author of the acclaimed Breaking the Barrier series, leads participants through ten activities guaranteed to make classes more productive and exciting. The ideas presented can be used in your classroom the very next day.
Saturday March 4, 2023 08:45 - 09:45 GMT+08

10:30 GMT+08

A Global Future with German Skills: A Roundtable Discussion and Open Forum
Saturday March 4, 2023 10:30 - 11:30 GMT+08
A Rountable Discussion and Open Forum on the varied programs of the Goethe-Institut and the way teachers can work together to build their networks, featuring the work of the SPARK program and the study abroad exchange program GAPP. Join us to share your insights and strengthen your program.
Saturday March 4, 2023 10:30 - 11:30 GMT+08

10:30 GMT+08

Everyone's an alie(b)n: Identity and Language for Novices
Saturday March 4, 2023 10:30 - 11:30 GMT+08
Discussing meaningful topics with Novice learners in the target language can feel hard. They are able to speak about themselves, but can they really dig deeper into questions of identity with their limited language? Focus on one French teacher's attempt to use existing literature (Everyone's an aliebn when you're an aliebn too by Jonny Sun) to create identity-driven activities for her students. Examples and resources are shared and participant feedback is sought on how this work could continue to be developed and improved.
Saturday March 4, 2023 10:30 - 11:30 GMT+08

10:30 GMT+08

Interculturality: Helping Students Understand Identity
Saturday March 4, 2023 10:30 - 11:30 GMT+08
How can we move beyond sporadically teaching about culture and identity, and integrate these concepts into our lessons on a daily basis? This session will explore interculturality and identity in the language classroom and demonstrate some simple strategies for making important cultural connections and comparisons. We will also look at how EntreCulturas and EntreCultures from Wayside Publishing help teachers achieve their interculturality goals while also focusing on language acquisition.
Saturday March 4, 2023 10:30 - 11:30 GMT+08
Sutton Center

10:30 GMT+08

Meeting Them Where They’re at Through Thematic Planning
Saturday March 4, 2023 10:30 - 11:30 GMT+08
How can we plan common learning experiences for students who learn at different rates? How can we develop proficiency, when they need different things? We provide strategies for meeting students where they’re at by leveraging thematic units to appropriately challenge each student through a common learning experience. This includes how to provide students with opportunities to self-differentiate during instruction, assessments, and learning activities, so that they are all talking about the same thing, but each working on their own proficiency growth. Let's meet them where they're at!
Saturday March 4, 2023 10:30 - 11:30 GMT+08
Sutton North

10:30 GMT+08

my Identidad
Saturday March 4, 2023 10:30 - 11:30 GMT+08
Have you ever explored how your past, present, and future show up in the classroom? Do you wonder how you can uncover and examine the roots of your identidad in order to grow your competencia sociocultural alongside the students you serve? Through a Two-Way Immersion Lens, we will guide you to reflect on your past, present, and future, and how to apply these guided reflections in your Pre-K to 12th grade classrooms. A few of the tasks we will investigate together will be: memoirs, challenging games, how-tos, inspiring videos, and a map of dreams. Join us as we incorporate critical consciousness and social justice into our planning, collegial conversations, advocacy, and instructional practices.
Saturday March 4, 2023 10:30 - 11:30 GMT+08
  Professional Learning Session 7

10:30 GMT+08

NOVUM INITIUM: Building Proficiency in World Language Classrooms
Saturday March 4, 2023 10:30 - 11:30 GMT+08
William Lee, the 2023 ACTFL National Langauge Teacher of the Year, shares instructional strategies to engage and motivate students, combining language and culture to develop learners' language performance. These strategies, both technology-based and non-technology-based, can help you reach all kinds of learners in the classroom and are applicable to all languages and levels. Be inspired with new ideas and examples that can have immediate impact in your classroom.
Saturday March 4, 2023 10:30 - 11:30 GMT+08
Sutton South

10:30 GMT+08

Preparing Learners of Chinese for Overseas Success
Saturday March 4, 2023 10:30 - 11:30 GMT+08
Intercultural communicative competence (ICC) plays a critical role in language learners’ growth and success during study abroad. The Chinese Flagship Culture Initiative (CFCI) aims to design cultural materials and embed them in the development of pragmatic and intercultural competences in intermediate and advanced proficiency Chinese learners. The presenters share results from a needs assessment survey identifying areas of weakness in their cultural preparation, podcasts in which students reflect on their study abroad experience, and new cultural materials developed to address current gaps and strengthen students’ ICC. Feedback on the materials from teachers and students as well as effective instructional strategies for using CFCI materials are also discussed.
Saturday March 4, 2023 10:30 - 11:30 GMT+08
Nassau East

10:30 GMT+08

Saturday March 4, 2023 10:30 - 11:30 GMT+08
During an unprecedented time in history, teachers have demonstrated unparalleled resiliency. Many have learned new technology and strategies almost overnight to best serve our students and have done so with grace. Going forward, what happens now? How can teachers apply newly acquired skills to enhance instruction and support all students? Teachers should not only reference Bloom’s Taxonomy for educational objectives but also reflect on Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs to support students’ social and emotional needs. Reimagine the framework and place importance on the intersection of culture and social emotional learning. Aim to reboot students’ learning experiences to include reflective practices, mindful activities and meaningful affirmations.
Saturday March 4, 2023 10:30 - 11:30 GMT+08
  Professional Learning Session 7

10:30 GMT+08

Reimaging Upper Level Language and Culture Courses Through Popular Music
Saturday March 4, 2023 10:30 - 11:30 GMT+08
Music is an essential element of all cultures, and all proficiency level language classes celebrate cultures through music related activities integrated into the curriculum. A content based language course on popular music products, practices and perspectives deepens students’ cultural competencies, engages students beyond their language requirements and meets students’ various learning styles and interests.
Saturday March 4, 2023 10:30 - 11:30 GMT+08

10:30 GMT+08

Relationship Building & Global Competency: Meaningful Virtual Exchanges
Saturday March 4, 2023 10:30 - 11:30 GMT+08
Your classroom walls have no limits! Are you a language educator who would like to create global partnerships via dynamic exchanges for your students? Would you like to empower your students to use their voices and investigate the world through empathy-building opportunities without revamping your curriculum? You will be given practical tools to start your own partnerships and connections in order to have your students exchange stories and gain new perspectives while building confidence in their language skills. See dynamic examples of Spanish language students building their global competency with partners around the Spanish-speaking world without a passport and how your students could do it too!
Saturday March 4, 2023 10:30 - 11:30 GMT+08

10:30 GMT+08

Who’s Doing The Heavy Lifting?
Saturday March 4, 2023 10:30 - 11:30 GMT+08
How do we guide learners from input to output while also making our students more independent learners? The Gradual Release of Responsibilities (I do, we do, you do) is a framework to help scaffold our lessons and units to achieve those goals. Explore this framework and how it applies to learning a second language. We examine lesson examples in the 3 modes of communication as well as how to apply this framework to planning thematic units that gradually guides students to communicating independently
Saturday March 4, 2023 10:30 - 11:30 GMT+08
Friday, March 31

13:00 GMT+08

Investor Panel
Friday March 31, 2023 13:00 - 13:30 GMT+08
Friday March 31, 2023 13:00 - 13:30 GMT+08
Wednesday, May 31

19:00 GMT+08

Conference Registration Open
Wednesday May 31, 2023 19:00 - 22:00 GMT+08
Wednesday May 31, 2023 19:00 - 22:00 GMT+08

19:00 GMT+08

Conference Registration Open
Wednesday May 31, 2023 19:00 - 22:00 GMT+08
Wednesday May 31, 2023 19:00 - 22:00 GMT+08

19:00 GMT+08

Opening Reception
Wednesday May 31, 2023 19:00 - 22:00 GMT+08
Wednesday May 31, 2023 19:00 - 22:00 GMT+08
Thursday, June 1

07:00 GMT+08

Attendance check in
Thursday June 1, 2023 07:00 - 23:30 GMT+08
Thursday June 1, 2023 07:00 - 23:30 GMT+08

08:00 GMT+08

Conference Check In
Thursday June 1, 2023 08:00 - 09:00 GMT+08
Thursday June 1, 2023 08:00 - 09:00 GMT+08

09:00 GMT+08

Opening Welcome
Thursday June 1, 2023 09:00 - 09:10 GMT+08
Thursday June 1, 2023 09:00 - 09:10 GMT+08

09:10 GMT+08

Loyola Non-Profits in New Orleans
Thursday June 1, 2023 09:10 - 10:00 GMT+08
Thursday June 1, 2023 09:10 - 10:00 GMT+08

10:10 GMT+08

"Creative Musicianship": New Qualifications to Widening Participation in Music Education in Scottish Schools
Thursday June 1, 2023 10:10 - 10:40 GMT+08
Thursday June 1, 2023 10:10 - 10:40 GMT+08

10:10 GMT+08

Environmental Action Through Eco-Pedagogy and Songwriting
Thursday June 1, 2023 10:10 - 10:40 GMT+08
Thursday June 1, 2023 10:10 - 10:40 GMT+08

10:10 GMT+08

Reimagining Pop Vocal Pedagogy through the Lens of Critical Performance Theory
Thursday June 1, 2023 10:10 - 10:40 GMT+08
Thursday June 1, 2023 10:10 - 10:40 GMT+08

10:40 GMT+08

Beyond Tracy & Effie: Anti-Fat Bias in the Singing Voice Studio
Thursday June 1, 2023 10:40 - 11:10 GMT+08
Thursday June 1, 2023 10:40 - 11:10 GMT+08

10:40 GMT+08

Popular Music Education for Critical Consciousness: Towards a Liberatory Praxis in PME
Thursday June 1, 2023 10:40 - 11:10 GMT+08
Thursday June 1, 2023 10:40 - 11:10 GMT+08

10:40 GMT+08

Popular Music Education: A Luxury Item During the Cost of Living Crisis?
Thursday June 1, 2023 10:40 - 11:10 GMT+08
Thursday June 1, 2023 10:40 - 11:10 GMT+08

10:40 GMT+08

The Journey to Becoming a Popular Musician: Student Experiences in Songwriting and Recording
Thursday June 1, 2023 10:40 - 11:10 GMT+08
Thursday June 1, 2023 10:40 - 11:10 GMT+08

11:15 GMT+08

Core Competencies with Electronic Musical Instruments
Thursday June 1, 2023 11:15 - 11:45 GMT+08
Thursday June 1, 2023 11:15 - 11:45 GMT+08

11:15 GMT+08

Music Scenes as Communities of Practice
Thursday June 1, 2023 11:15 - 11:45 GMT+08
Thursday June 1, 2023 11:15 - 11:45 GMT+08

11:15 GMT+08

Hold the Rhythm and Let Improvisation Sing
Thursday June 1, 2023 11:15 - 12:15 GMT+08
Thursday June 1, 2023 11:15 - 12:15 GMT+08

11:15 GMT+08

Caring for Our Planet: A World Apart or Same Difference? Digital Collaborative Composing as Activism
Thursday June 1, 2023 11:15 - 23:45 GMT+08
Thursday June 1, 2023 11:15 - 23:45 GMT+08

11:15 GMT+08

Right on Time: Perspectives of Popular Music Educators on Teaching Drum Kit
Thursday June 1, 2023 11:15 - 23:45 GMT+08
Thursday June 1, 2023 11:15 - 23:45 GMT+08

11:45 GMT+08

1,2,3,4: Student Perceptions of Learning and Performing in Electronic Drum Kit Technology Quartets
Thursday June 1, 2023 11:45 - 12:15 GMT+08
Thursday June 1, 2023 11:45 - 12:15 GMT+08

11:45 GMT+08

In the Mixing Zone: The Proximal Development of DJing Skills
Thursday June 1, 2023 11:45 - 12:15 GMT+08
Thursday June 1, 2023 11:45 - 12:15 GMT+08
Saturday, August 19

08:30 GMT+08

Family-friendly Birding
Saturday August 19, 2023 08:30 - 10:00 GMT+08
Birding is something that all ages can enjoy. In this stationary, drop-in, all-ages friendly event, we welcome anyone who might be interested in learning about and observing local birds. The adults can do some birding and enjoy conversation with fellow adults while the youth are engaged in a bird-related craft/science/conservation activity and see some local birds up close. Everyone will leave the workshop with some new bird knowledge!
Saturday August 19, 2023 08:30 - 10:00 GMT+08
Flag Pole

10:00 GMT+08

A Deep Breathwork Journey for Release
Saturday August 19, 2023 10:00 - 11:30 GMT+08
Lay down and be guided in a deep breathing flow that will catalyze transformation, renewal and release in the body. We’ll practice the easy breathing pattern and then enjoy a short grounding meditation that will prepare us for the journey ahead.
Warning: effects may just change your whole outlook on life.
Saturday August 19, 2023 10:00 - 11:30 GMT+08

11:00 GMT+08

Survival Firemaking
Saturday August 19, 2023 11:00 - 13:00 GMT+08
In this class, you'll learn about the art of firemaking in emergency survival situations. We'll discuss safety, finding materials, and the importance of developing this skill. You'll get hands-on with the tools and materials. If you like to work with your hands, make smoke, and spark flames, come experience the thrill of firemaking.
Saturday August 19, 2023 11:00 - 13:00 GMT+08
Gathering Place 2

11:30 GMT+08

Finding Your Wild On
Saturday August 19, 2023 11:30 - 13:00 GMT+08
Nature is space that inspires connection, and it can reflect back lessons about ourselves. It urges us to feel free and limitless, and be deeply connected to our purpose. This is where we find our Wild One. 

In this workshop, we will bring clarity to the wants and needs of our Wild One through journaling and reflection. We will explore the attributes that allow you to tap into your intuition.  

Then we will explore how to connect more deeply to your Wild One through slowing down, becoming curious, feeling feelings, and growing support.  These are the behaviors that will deeper your connection to your intuition.

You will leave with a deeper connection to your Wild One and practical tools for reclaiming the freedeom that is within you.
Saturday August 19, 2023 11:30 - 13:00 GMT+08
Gathering Place 1

12:00 GMT+08

Connecting With Plants Outside Of The Field Guide
Saturday August 19, 2023 12:00 - 13:00 GMT+08
We are tossing the field guide, common names, and latin names out of the window for this plant workshop! Come join us if you are interested in connecting with plants, if you are excited to lean into your intuition and to get into your body, and if you want to test yourself and have fun!
Saturday August 19, 2023 12:00 - 13:00 GMT+08
Flag Pole

13:00 GMT+08

Blackberry Harvest
Saturday August 19, 2023 13:00 - 13:45 GMT+08
This youth-oriented workshop will allow students to learn and apply the principles of Robin Kimmerer's Honorable Harvest while blackberry foraging and helping prepare blackberry compote.
Saturday August 19, 2023 13:00 - 13:45 GMT+08
Flag Pole

13:15 GMT+08

Forrest Bath (QTBIPOC affinity space)
Saturday August 19, 2023 13:15 - 14:15 GMT+08
Shinrin-yoku: experience nature with all of your senses.

Slow down and experience nature through all of your senses.
Saturday August 19, 2023 13:15 - 14:15 GMT+08
Gathering Place 2

14:00 GMT+08

Musical performance by Meiwei
Saturday August 19, 2023 14:00 - 14:30 GMT+08
Meiwei is the solo project of indie-folk singer/songwriter Michelle Mouw. Born and raised in Beijing, Michelle moved to the U.S. at the age of eighteen. Meiwei is an evolving attempt at piecing the fragments of Michelle’s life together - past with the present, American with Chinese, the city with the wilderness. Her deeply felt lyrics and fingerpicked guitar bring to mind forward-thinking folk artists such as Adrienne Lenker, Laura Marling, and Haley Heynderickx. Meiwei’s debut release, Unusual Spring was recorded and released from her Boston apartment in May of 2020. The song was featured on Sound of Boston’s Local Mix and WGHB’s Mass Mix. Since then, Meiwei has moved out west, released a self-titled debut EP, and a single Hummingbird Pt. 1, Pt. 2.
Saturday August 19, 2023 14:00 - 14:30 GMT+08
Beach Area

14:30 GMT+08

Family Scavenger Hunt
Saturday August 19, 2023 14:30 - 16:00 GMT+08

Growing up, we dreamed of sharing our passion for the outdoors with others. Then we had kids. Despite the numerous child-rearing manuals, our kids uniquely defy our attempts to subdue them into enjoying the outdoors. Kids insist that hiking is “no fun” and then demand to go home and ”watch TV.” Our hearts break, and frustration mounts.
rovides parents with trail activities and a kid-friendly trail map. Parents are now able to transform hikes into adventures. Engaging kids and ensuring the whole family understands the goals for each trail. Parents are now empowered and can envision their passion for nature passed down to their children.

Saturday August 19, 2023 14:30 - 16:00 GMT+08
Meeting Circle

14:45 GMT+08

River Mindfulness
Saturday August 19, 2023 14:45 - 16:15 GMT+08
Chandrika Francis is the founder and facilitator at Oshun Swim School, a program that offers BIPOC womxn and non-binary people a safer space to explore our relationship with water through Afro-Indigenous centered swim and water based workshops, . With healing-centered and trauma-informed instruction, we support students to connect to water from their center, and grow into embodied, joyful swimmers. and is dedicated to supporting people of color to have a relationship to the earth grounded in remembrance, safety, connection, healing, and liberation!

Oshun Swim School
Saturday August 19, 2023 14:45 - 16:15 GMT+08
Beach Area

16:00 GMT+08

Champion the Outdoors
Saturday August 19, 2023 16:00 - 17:00 GMT+08
Passion + strategy = advocacy. Join Trust for Public Land’s Sarneshea Evans for a playful park design workshop where you’ll learn how to make the most of civic engagement opportunities to ensure the project you care about truly serves your community. Trust for Public Land draws from 50 years of building beloved parks in Washington, from the Cougar Mountain Trails to the Olympic Sculpture Park.
Saturday August 19, 2023 16:00 - 17:00 GMT+08
Gathering Place 1

16:00 GMT+08

Fish WA 101: Casting lessons & fishing tips (Drop-in)
Saturday August 19, 2023 16:00 - 17:30 GMT+08
Presented by Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife
Saturday August 19, 2023 16:00 - 17:30 GMT+08

17:30 GMT+08

Partner Market
Saturday August 19, 2023 17:30 - 20:00 GMT+08
This event is more than just a fun weekend- it's about connecting community for on-going engagement. Come meet our partners & vendors for this year's festival!
Saturday August 19, 2023 17:30 - 20:00 GMT+08
Sunday, August 20

07:00 GMT+08

Camp Kitchen Open Hours
Sunday August 20, 2023 07:00 - 10:30 GMT+08
Camp kitchen open hours. Stocked with stoves, pots, pans, cutting boards and other basic items.
Sunday August 20, 2023 07:00 - 10:30 GMT+08
Camp Kitchen

07:30 GMT+08

Beats & Batter
Sunday August 20, 2023 07:30 - 10:00 GMT+08
Rise & Shine!! Join us for a tasty treat and bust a move. The Refuge Fest Community Advisory Board will be flipping up pancakes for festival goers. (while supplies last).
Sunday August 20, 2023 07:30 - 10:00 GMT+08
Camp Kitchen

07:30 GMT+08

Sunday August 20, 2023 07:30 - 14:00 GMT+08
Need help, can't find a workshop, or have questions? Check-in with us at the information desk. First Aid station
Sunday August 20, 2023 07:30 - 14:00 GMT+08

08:30 GMT+08

Community Healing Workshop
Sunday August 20, 2023 08:30 - 09:30 GMT+08
Join the community group energy healing session with Mari. Balancing energy, releasing emotional blockages, and promoting calm, the session will guide you through the process with an intention setting and debrief at the end. Bring a comfortable mat, pillow, blanket, water, and a notebook.
Sunday August 20, 2023 08:30 - 09:30 GMT+08

10:30 GMT+08

Layers of Heritage
Sunday August 20, 2023 10:30 - 11:30 GMT+08
The colonization of America has left many people unaware of our culture, history, and selves. We find that our lives and art grow richer when we root ourselves — steadily and respectfully — in the layers of our heritage that lay dormant in our lives. With that in mind, we have developed a workbook that outlines 8 different layers for you to think about, guiding you through various reflection and research exercises to aid in your exploration.
Sunday August 20, 2023 10:30 - 11:30 GMT+08
Gathering Place 1

11:00 GMT+08

Primitive Firemaking
Sunday August 20, 2023 11:00 - 13:00 GMT+08
In this class, you'll learn about the art of firemaking the primitive way. Although the word "primitive" has been historically weaponized against people of color, in this workshop we will be connecting to the ancestral way of creating flame---no lighter and no matches. You'll get hands-on with the tools -constructing your own firemaking set with natural materials. If you like to work with your hands, make smoke, and spark flames, come experience the thrill of primitive firemaking.
Sunday August 20, 2023 11:00 - 13:00 GMT+08
Gathering Place 2

12:00 GMT+08

Morning Bird Walk
Sunday August 20, 2023 12:00 - 13:00 GMT+08
Explore the natural beauty of the festival in this early morning walk with a knowledgeable guide from Seattle Audubon. Learn about the basics of bird identification and the best practices of birding.
Sunday August 20, 2023 12:00 - 13:00 GMT+08
Flag Pole

13:30 GMT+08

Closing Circle
Sunday August 20, 2023 13:30 - 14:00 GMT+08
As RefugeFest comes to a close, come share your gratitude, connect one last time. Don't forget about the raffle!
Sunday August 20, 2023 13:30 - 14:00 GMT+08
Main Stage
Friday, September 1

05:05 GMT+08

Self Check-in Session
Friday September 1, 2023 05:05 - 06:00 GMT+08
Empower students to value and honor the rich diversity of target language cultures through authentic resources that integrate language and culture, building from cultural products and practices to understanding diverse perspectives. Also train students to reflect and understand their own culture by "bringing it home," as they compare target language communities with their own, focusing their cultural lenses to respect and honor both cultures. Guide students to develop vocabulary and language functions as they move from interpretive to interpersonal and presentational communication activities.
Friday September 1, 2023 05:05 - 06:00 GMT+08

05:10 GMT+08

Pinned Session Self Check-in
Friday September 1, 2023 05:10 - 06:30 GMT+08
Empower students to value and honor the rich diversity of target language cultures through authentic resources that integrate language and culture, building from cultural products and practices to understanding diverse perspectives. Also train students to reflect and understand their own culture by "bringing it home," as they compare target language communities with their own, focusing their cultural lenses to respect and honor both cultures. Guide students to develop vocabulary and language functions as they move from interpretive to interpersonal and presentational communication activities.
Friday September 1, 2023 05:10 - 06:30 GMT+08
Sunday, December 31

11:30 GMT+08

Beyond Comprehension Questions with Short Film
Sunday December 31, 2023 11:30 - 12:30 GMT+08
Short film is a powerful authentic resource and tool to be used with L2 students. However in our class many times short film does not go beyond a set of comprehension questions. This session uncovers how short film can build a unit that incorporates AP themes, 3 modes of communication, builds interpersonal communicative competence with the 3 P’s (products, practices and perspectives) and promotes language aquisition.
Sunday December 31, 2023 11:30 - 12:30 GMT+08
  Professional Learning Session 2
Thursday, September 26

13:30 GMT+08

13:30 GMT+08

b. Session Title [default session feedback, do not edit]
Thursday September 26, 2024 13:30 - 14:00 GMT+08
Thursday September 26, 2024 13:30 - 14:00 GMT+08

13:30 GMT+08

Session Title [default session feedback, do not edit]
Thursday September 26, 2024 13:30 - 14:00 GMT+08
Thursday September 26, 2024 13:30 - 14:00 GMT+08
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